asana at lkove and lentils

ashtanga yoga at love & lentils

Ashtanga yoga is a traditional form of yoga. By synchronising breath with movement, each individual pose is linked by a flowing sequence to create a moving meditation. A deeply holistic approach, Ashtanga yoga is both dynamic and restorative, designed to strengthen and heal on many levels.

The Sanskrit word "Ashtanga" (asht-anga) means the "eight limbs" that work together to calm the mind, strengthen the body and awaken the soul spontaneously bringing about a state of harmony.

While the yoga poses are just one aspect of Ashtanga, they are a good place to start. As Sumiya's first yoga teacher used to ask, "Why be content with just touching your toes when there is so much more to explore?"

The heart of the practice, always, is the breath. Breath guides you through the poses, supporting and deepening each movement, warming the body to highlight and ease any restrictions. Your practice works from the inside out; everything starts with the breath.


navasana at love and lentils


At Love & Lentils, there are different ways to practice:


Attending regular classes enables you to maintain a regular practice within a group. Each class is designed to be appropriate to all levels; structure and focus can be easily adapted to suit the needs of the group. Class sizes are small, and the teaching is carefully focused on individual needs. Details here.



We host workshops on a regular basis; these are designed to allow you the time and focus to dive deeper into specific areas of your practice. Details here.



Our retreats provide an opportunity to escape your everyday routine and immerse yourself in an intensive, nurturing environment for several days. Groups are deliberately kept small to allow the teaching to respond to whatever emerges during this time. We often have specially-chosen massage therapists available during a retreat, offering treatments that allow a deeper release and relaxation. All food is freshly prepared with organic, seasonal ingredients to support and energise your whole system. Each retreat venue is carefully chosen for the sense of comfort and rest it offers. Details here.


One-to-one sessions

Whether you prefer to be taught alone, have a specific issue you would like to focus on, or simply cannot make the regular scheduled classes, one-to-one classes can be arranged at a time to suit you. These sessions can also focus on breath work or pranayama tailored for you.


Corporate & Group Wellness sessions

Our specially crafted short bespoke sessions are designed to easily guide groups through an exploration of different practices, introducing variety of quick techniques useful for dealing with everyday pressures. We draw on methods from mindfulness, breath work and meditation to access useful grounding and energising practices relevant to life both at work and at home.


At Love & Lentils, there are different places to practice:

Sumiya teaches from a dedicated practice space within her home, as well as from other venues in Lewes. Each venue is carefully chosen to provide a calm, conducive environment